Weldons, Ltd. (publ.)
Practical Drawn Thread
Vol 5 No. 52
Weldons Ltd, 30 & 31 Southampton Str, Strand, London, W.C.
16 pages, stapled softcover. Monthly publication. This issue: Border in Point de Reprise, Chequered Insertion, Corner and Insertion in Spike Stitch, &c., Double Crossing, Diagonal Threads, Filigree Stitch, Hem Stitches, Insertion of Cross and Spike Stitches, Insertion of Hem and Cross Stitches, Insertin of Double Herringbone Stitches, Insertion of Drawn Threads, Insertion for a Toilet Cover, Method of Hem-Stitching, Method of Confining Drawn Threads in Faggots with Punto Tirato Knot, Method of Drawing out Threads, Method of Working a Corner, Method of Cutting out Threads, Open Hem-Stitch Insertion, Open Buttonhole Stitch, Point d'Esprit, Point Tire, Rosette Border, Single Crossing, Trellis Insertion, Tray Cloth.
From the collection of Iva Rose Reproduction. Scanned by Willem Kraaij, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
Embroidery DrawnThread WK