Antique Pattern Library Links

Various resources related to the library or that we thought you might find useful.

Resources used to build the library:

§  Copyright terms and the Public Domain --Summary from Cornell University on publications in the public domain.

§  Digital Imaging Tutorial --Another Great tutorial from Cornell on concepts for scanning documents.

§  Creative Commons --Flexible copyright licensing tools that we use to protect our book scans.

§  Scanning Guidelines --Information you should read before scanning a book for the library.

§  Canadian copyright information.</em

Useful information on antique threads and tools:

§ website --Vintage Fabric and Thread Chart.

§  Vintage Crochet Hook Chart --Vintage hook sizes converted to metric.

§  Crochet Stitches Chart --Modern equivalents to old crochet terms.

Some Other places to download free antique patterns:

§  On-line Digital Archive of Books on Weaving and Related Topics--the digital archive of weaving, lace and textile material

§  Home Work --1891 Canadian needlework book

§  Irish crochet motifs

§  Vintage crochet patterns at

§  Beeton's Book of Needlework --1880's British publication, ebook version at Project Gutenberg

§  Antique Crochet Patterns

§  Crochet and Crafts Links

last updated 19dec2007

last corrected 1jan2009